Gama Company was established in 1989, and is managed and represented by Valyu Zhelev Valev. It disposes of its own warehouse and production facilities on the territory of Dimitrovgrad, 50, Buzludja Street, covering a total area of 3 000 sq.m, including 800 sq.m of built-up ...[ ]
Jet Logistic is a Bulgarian transportation and logistics company specializing in international road transport and freight forwarding across Europe and Asia. We are dedicated to providing our customers with individual and custom-tailored transportation services guaranteed to ...[ ]
Neochim PLC is the successor of the Chemical Plant in the town of Dimitrovgrad in Bulgaria which started its production activities on 5th of November 1951. In the beginning nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers were produced. Later on, expansions, reconstructions and modernizations ...[ ]
The firm was founded in 1994 in Dimitrovgrad. Mainly the firm is dealing with imports and wholesale and retail trade of autoaccessories and autocosmetics.
The articles that we import are from China,Dubai,Poland,Slovakia,Turkey and we guarantee for it's quality. The firm ...[ ]
The company was established in 1993 and its main business activity is the protection of vessels, agregates, pipelines and equipment against the impact of aggressive enviroments by rubberizing them designed for different branches of the idustry-chemical, metallurgic, cement, ...[ ]