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Rif Ltd. Mining and Exploration Company in Sofia

Rif Ltd. Business Card

Rif Ltd.

Mining & Exploration
Sofia, Sofia City
Rif Ltd.

7-11 Shipchenski prohod Blvd
bl. 228а

Tel: +359 898503524, +359 898368920

Rif Ltd. Business Description

Rif Ltd. is a private company incorporated in 2006. The founders of the company have been directly connected with the geological and exploration activities, mining, processing, assembly and sale of natural stone tiling materials since 1992, and some of them since 1975.

Prospecting, development of quarries, mining, processing and installation of natural rock-lining materials.

A quarry for Vratsa limestone near Mezdra and several quarries in the territory of Bulgaria are in the process of development.

The company produces gangsaw slabs, as well as standard marble, limestone, travertine and granite plates.

The company is also working on individual specifications for the exterior and interior:

* window panels (interior and exterior)
* countertops (kitchen, bar, etc.)
* tables, steps, cornices, friezes, profiling, monuments and many other

The company works on subcontract manufacturing and with materials supplied.

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