EURORA Consult Agency is one of the newest agencies in the mediation services sphere of the Bulgarian and the European market. We offer fast and convenient services in the recruitment of quality workforce in all branches of the economy. Today’s global market requires higher and higher quality workforce. Our role is to supply it to you.
We would like to present to your attention EURORA CONSULT AGENCY ltd., our ever faster Bulgarian developing agency for human resource services. Our
ATRAINING is a consulting company offering human resources services in the sphere of management and development. We have flexible solutions in recruiting, developing and managing personnel. Our trainings and consultations are based on contemporary psychological methods.
...[ ]
"Avangard Personal Consulting" Ltd is a consulting company in the sphere of the human resources management and the organizational development.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive services which completely answer the needs of our clients in the sphere of the human ...[ ] eood is a registered Bulgarian recruitment agency. Our services are licenced and supervised by the National Employment Agency, a sub-division of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The aim of Balkaninvest is to help in particular ...[ ]
Any description of "who we are" starts with our clients. Their confidence in and partnership with us inspires them to return to us and recommend us time and time again. We are grateful for their loyalty and continue with our commitment to find the leaders that ensure their ...[ ]
BrightPoint is a talent acquisition agency, based in Bulgaria and founded by entrepreneurs with over 15 years of experience in investments and management consulting. The team includes experienced and energetic young professionals with achievements proven through the years – ...[ ]
We are the first IT/BPO Recruitment Agency in Bulgaria. Bulwork was founded in December 2000 and has developed the biggest database of qualified specialists in Bulgaria - about 75% of all skilled IT professionals.
Our main service is recruitment of qualified specialists for ...[ ]
Bulwork® is the first IT focused recruitment and consulting agency in Bulgaria, founded in 2000.
Bulwork is a leader in:
- IT Recruitment
- Recruitment for BPO organizations
- Market survey in Bulgaria for the IT sector (salary levels survey, labour regulations survey, ...[ ]
If you are fed up with incorrect partners and failed appointments, Business Assistant will guarantee you correct business.
If you are so busy that you simply cannot spend time on searching for and checking up the partners and the services you need, Business Assistant will ...[ ]
CEO SEARCH is an executive search practice focusing only on top level roles in Bulgaria.
Our specialization is functional & geographical. We discover & inspire the best top executives in Bulgaria including: CEO / Country Manager / General Manager /Managing Director ...[ ]