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Ski Police to Guard Bulgarian Resort Pamporovo
Date: 31/10/2010
Ski Police to Guard Bulgarian Resort Pamporovo

For the first time a ski police will ensure the good public policy at the slopes of the Bulgarian resort Pamporovo this winter, local media has reported.

Regular police officers and teams of the tourist company "Pamporovo" will participate in the patrol, the new executive director of the holding, Mariyan Belyakov has stated, as cited by local media.

The goal is to avoid parking problems and incidents with drunken skiers and brawlers, violating the public order.

A total of 90 devices for artificial snow, including 20 new ones, will provide the snow coverage at 14 km of ski slopes in the upcoming winter season in Pamporovo.

The total length of the slopes in the resort in 37 km. They have all been rehabilitated and expanded. They have been installed with new signs that give information about the slopes and the safety of the skiers. About 200 m of safety nets have also been installed at the most dangerous parts.

For a second consecutive year skiers will be able to practice night skiing in Pamporovo. However, this year, the slope "Snezhanka 2" ("Snow White 2") will be fully illuminated, thanks to the newly installed 60 spotlights on the pillars of both sides of the slope.

Night skiing starts from 6:00 pm and could be practiced until 10:30 pm. A special ski wardrobe will be built this year for the night skiers. A new ski and snowboard equipment will be delivered at the rest of the wardrobes.


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