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ALUKÖNIGSTAHL Doors and Windows in Sofia



Construction Doors and Windows
Sofia, Sofia City

Tsarigradsko Chaussee 7th km., IPAKT Building, 7th floor
1784 Sofia

Tel: +359 817 19 21
Fax: +359 817 19 30

ALUKÖNIGSTAHL Business Description

Our company was founded by Jacob König in the year 1864 in Retz/Lower Austria. As time went on, we increasingly focused on trading in aluminium and steel sections. During the 1920ies our headquarters was relocated to Vienna.
1989 the company moved into todays head office in 1150 Wien, Goldschlagstraße.
For geographical as well as historic reasons Austria is an ideal starting point for developing the new and expanding markets of Eastern and South-eastern Europe. Therefore shortly after the fall of the Iron Curtain our management decided to build up our first subsidiary in Hungary.
Step by step within the next 14 years we founded new companies in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia.
Taking over the majority shares of Doma Solartechnik in Vorarlberg/Austria ALUKÖNIGSTAHL was able to enter a new and highly promising market for solar technologies.
Today ALUKÖNIGSTAHL is a highly successful company operating throughout Europe. In the hands of the König familiy for the fourth generation, the company is managed by Peter König and Andreas Pulides.
Some of our staff are the third generation employed by the company, and look after customers who have also been associated with our house for three generations. With our technological advantage and the experience of our workforce behind us, our company can face the challenges of the 21st century with confidence.

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