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Famous Bulgarian Political Figures
Boyko Borisov - Famous Bulgarians Information - Invest Bulgaria Boyko Borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov (Bulgarian: Бойко Методиев Борисов, IPA: [ˈbɔjko mɛˈtɔdiɛf boˈrisof]; born 13 June 1959) is a Bulgarian politician who has been Prime Minister of Bulgaria since July 2009. He was Mayor of Sofia from 8 November 2005 until his appointment as Prime Minister. After his party, GERB, won the July 2009 parliamentary election, Borisov became Bulgaria's 50th Prime Minister[1][2] on 27 July 2009. source: Wikipedia [Detailed Information]

Georgi Parvanov - Famous Bulgarians Information - Invest Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov

Georgi Sedefchov Parvanov (born June 28, 1957) was President of Bulgaria from 2002 to 2012. He was elected after defeating his predecessor Petar Stoyanov in the second round of the presidential election in November 2001 and he took office on January 22, 2002. Georgi Parvanov started his second presidential mandate following victory in the 2006 presidential election. Parvanov supports membership of Bulgaria in NATO and the European Union. In 2012, his second mandate finished and Rosen [Detailed Information]

Ivan Kostov - Famous Bulgarians Information - Invest Bulgaria Ivan Kostov

Ivan Kostov was born in Sofia on December 23,1949. In 1974 he graduated from the Karl Marx Institute of Economics with a degree in political economics. He also graduated as an extra-mural student from the Department of Physics and Mathematics at the Kliment Oxridski University of Sofia. From 1974 to 1979 he was Assistant Professor at the Karl Marx Institute of Economics, and from 1979 until 1990 he was Senior Assistant Professor at Sofia's Technical University where in 1991 he was made [Detailed Information]

Rosen Plevneliev - Famous Bulgarians Information - Invest Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev

Rosen Asenov Plevneliev (Bulgarian: Росен Асенов Плевнелиев; born 14 May 1964) has been President of Bulgaria since January 2012. He was the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works from July 2009 to September 2011 as part of the cabinet of Boyko Borisov. In October 2011, Plevneliev was elected as President in a second round of voting; he was inaugurated on 18 January 2012.
source: Wikipedia [Detailed Information]

Tzar Simeon II - Famous Bulgarians Information - Invest Bulgaria Tzar Simeon II

Son of King Boris III and Queen Joanna, Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gothha( Tzar Simeon II, Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Simeon Sakskoburggotski) was born on June 16, 1937 in Sofia, Bulgaria. On that day church bells and gun salutes echoed across Bulgaria to announce the arrival of the future king. The King and the Queen celebrated the joyous event by granting many prisoners amnesty and adding a mark to every school child's exam. A few weeks later the young prince was baptized with water flown in [Detailed Information]

Volen Siderov - Famous Bulgarians Information - Invest Bulgaria Volen Siderov

Volen Nikolov Siderov (Bulgarian: Волен Николов Сидеров) (born 19 April 1956) is a Bulgarian politician and chairman of the nationalist party Ataka. He is famous for his hard-line attitude towards Turkey, the Islamic World, Israel, the Romani people, the EU, NATO and on some issues towards the USA. [Detailed Information]

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The Bulgarian capital Sofia is about 4 times cheaper to live in than London ... More

Rila Monastery was founded in 10 century by St. Ivan of Rila. It is the greatest Bulgarian monastery - unique architecture, exquisite wall paintings, brilliant iconostasis, a rich collection of icons and old manuscripts - a true masterpiece of the National Revival Period. Under UNESCO's protection, Rila Monastery is one of Bulgaria's biggest sanctuaries.

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