FULL SERVICE BULGARIAN TRANSLATION COMPANY! We translate all major languages into Bulgarian. We provide written translation, interpreting, and software localizations in Bulgarian.
From a simple translation to large translation projects we give you experience, professionalism, and integrity! A Bulgarian business with Western experience.
Rubicon offers the following interpretation:
Consecutive -
E consecutive interpretation in which the interpreter listens to the speech of a few minutes per participant and then interpreted. The price is quoted per hour or negotiated individually according to ...[ ]
Translation Agency SANA 21 was founded in 1999. Its main objects being official translations from and into foreign languages, as well as, offering services regarding legalization of documents to be used in Bulgaria and abroad.
Object of translation is any kind of citizens' and ...[ ]
Sana Interlex Ltd. was incorporated in 1997, its main subject of activity being translation services. In the same year, the company concluded a contract with the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, enabling it to perform official ...[ ]
types of translations
Need translation of text or an interpreter for a business meeting or conference? Trust us!
Translation House SARATRANS has highly qualified and experienced translators, the latest equipment and software for translation from and into more than 30 ...[ ]
Sigma Translation Agency is located in the centre of Varna at 12 Shopen str. /ground floor, right side/. The agency makes official translations of personal and company documents, economic, legal, medical and technical texts, fiction, etc.
The company is authorized to make ...[ ]
Sitalces is registered at the Registry Agency at the Ministry of Justice as solely owned limited liability company and translation services are its main nature of business. The company works with the Consular office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria ...[ ]
SLSP is the only partner and translation provider of SAP for the Bulgarian market. the company offers SAp translations as well as translation and localisation for websites, software, applications etc.
• From All South Slavic Languages
To English
• From English
To All South Slavic Languages
I. Translation from Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and Croatian to English.
II. Translation from English to Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, ...[ ]