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Bulgarian Healthcare Companies
(144 Bulgarian Healthcare Companies)
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Sector: Healthcare Subsector: Sports and Recreation
City/Town: Sofia District: Sofia City

Нашата мисия е да помогнем на всички, които обичат йога да са по-приятни йога тренировките им. Да вдъхновим хора, които не са запознати с йога да започнат да практикуват и открият колко балансиран и прекрасен е света през йога

More Healthcare Companies (Alphabetical Order)
Dr. Dakovski Dental Center Sole Trade Ltd.
51. Dr. Dakovski Dental Center Sole Trade Ltd.
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
"Dr. Dakovski" Dental Center Sole Trade Ltd. s a private health establishment, founded by decree No RD-15-759/06.02.1997 by the Ministry of Health, run by manager - Dr. Emil Dakovski - a dentist - expert.. "Dr. Dakovski" Dental Center Sole Trade Ltd. serves mainly the city ...[ ]
Dr. Jivka Stareva Centre
52. Dr. Jivka Stareva Centre
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
Dr. Stavreva graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the Medical University of Plovdiv in 1980. In 1985 she acquired a degree in General Dentistry and worked consecutively as a general dental practitioner in the villages Konyovo and Elenovo in Nova Zagora municipality. To her ...[ ]
Dr. Kiril Kirilov - Dental Implants & Smile Design
53. Dr. Kiril Kirilov - Dental Implants & Smile Design
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
Dr. Kiril Georgiev Kirilov is a stomatologist by profession. In 1994 he graduated the Faculty of Stomatology of the Medical Academy in Sofia. He starts practicing dentistry in 21st Dental Polyclinic and then moves to 20th Dental Polyclinic in Sofia and works there from 1994 to ...[ ]
Dr. Koleva's dental centre
54. Dr. Koleva's dental centre
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
Dr. Koleva's dental centre is provided with contemporary equipment; materials applied there are produced by pharmaceutical companies recognized throughout the world. There is a Dental Technical Laboratory working in cooperation with the Centre.
dr. Krastev
55. dr. Krastev
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
Dental tratment should not be a frightening, painful and disappointing procedure. I feel each one of us deserves individual approach. That is what morern dentistry is all about! Dentistry that changes smile and people.
Dr. Lyudmil Gagov-DDS
56. Dr. Lyudmil Gagov-DDS
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
Dr. Lyudmil Gagov-DDS ., graduated the Faculty of Dentistry in the Medical Academy - Sofia , Bulgaria. He starts practicing dentistry in 2001 on our own in a private office to a str . Pozitano . It in 2005 is appointment and works as a clinician doctor in the clinic of maxillo ...[ ]
DR.ATANAS DAFOVSKI AD Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment
57. DR.ATANAS DAFOVSKI AD Multi-profile Hospital for Active Treatment
Our aim is to ensure the best reception of each patient, high-quality diagnostics and therapy of diseases, effective medical care and in this way to contribute to health stabilization of the local people. The main values we are keeping to are the following: - Provision of ...[ ]
El Masri Polyclinic
58. El Masri Polyclinic
"El Masri" polyclinic has been opened on April 26, 1994. It includes 15 specialized offices (consulting rooms), equipped with modern diagnostic apparatuses. In "El Masri" polyclinic work highly qualified doctors, who enjoy the confidence and respect of the patients. The ...[ ]
59. ELTA 90
Healthcare Laboratories Healthcare Laboratories
ELTA 90 Company is one of the leading suppliers for laboratory equipment, reagents and chemicals in the Bulgarian market in the field of: * Human and Veterinary Medicine * Laboratories for quality control in ecology * Chemical laboratories * Biotechnologies ...[ ]
EO Dent
60. EO Dent
Dental Clinics Dental Clinics
EO Dent has at its disposal the following rooms: Dental surgeries VIP dental surgery with a separate VIP waiting-rooms next to it A unique specialized children’s dental surgery with a children’s dental chair and a modern motivation-room (the only one in ...[ ]

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