Although a young company, Auto 1 is among the leaders in the sphere of import and distribution of spare parts for motor vehicles at the Bulgarian market. Established in 2003, the company is already a certified supplier of Robert Bosch – Bulgaria, as well as an importer of high-quality products for the automotive industry with the logo of SWAG – Germany, REMSA, GLASER, AL-KO – Spain, CIFAM – Italy.
Company Strategic Orientation :
- Strengthening of the existing business relations
- Further increase of our market recognition
- Enlargement of the import products range with the goal of a maximum satisfaction of the market demand
Objectives :
- Strengthening the market position of the newly implanted trade marks
- Maintеnance of an excellent store availability that meets the market needs
- Confirming its leading position as a company with exclusively orientated market conception aiming upmost customer needs satisfaction mainly by precise and in time deliveries
- Maintеnance of high quality products range and service, maximum meeting of the consumer demands, market relevant pricing
Resources :
- Established head storehouse in Sofia
- Young, ambitious and highly qualified stuff
- Working distribution net
- Developed office program with versatile data base for the company needs and its partners. |