• Company MANIAC Ltd is registered in 1993 in the city of Sofia and is the assignee of company ELI STIL.
• The company is a producer of ties and men’s formal attire since 1996.
• The company has a production facility of 1,500 sq. m. in the town of Asenovgrad and it owns two stores in both Asenovgrad and the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. The store in Asenovgrad is located at 5 Maritza street and the one in Sofia is located at 3 Pirotska street.
• The company can make you any fashion model based on a picture of it.
• Over 30 designs of suits.
• Ties, bow-ties, sashes, sleeveless jackets, boutonnieres, cuffs
• Because you get custom-made
• We insist on good quality. Our company is certified according to ISO 2001:2009 in 2007
• The most important for us is the satisfaction of the client