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Sofia district
Description |
As a busiÂness process outsourcing firm, Sb AccountÂing & ConÂsultÂing is mainly focused on proÂvidÂing back office soluÂtions and their outÂsourcÂing for cost effiÂciency, risk minÂiÂmizaÂtion and sharÂing of knowlÂedge experÂtise. The BPO increases our clients’ flexÂiÂbilÂity and allows them to conÂcenÂtrate on their core comÂpeÂtences. Our BPO serÂvices include underÂtakÂing of clients’ back office serÂvices and secÂondary funcÂtions such as comÂpany set up, accountÂing, audit, human resources, tax advises, payÂroll proÂcessÂing and payÂroll adminÂisÂtraÂtion, invoicÂing serÂvices, virÂtual office and conÂsultÂing.
We deem that Sb AccountÂing & ConÂsultÂing had turned out to be a BPO cenÂtre in BulÂgaria and the outÂsourcÂing serÂvices which we proÂvide can be used by small, medium and large busiÂnesses. With the qualÂity BPO that we offer our clients gain increased flexÂiÂbilÂity in their resource manÂageÂment and may reduce response times to major enviÂronÂmenÂtal changes.