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Sofia district
Description |
Sb AccountÂing & ConÂsultÂing has been always aimÂing to proÂvide pracÂtiÂcal guidÂance and qualÂiÂfied assisÂtance in setÂting up a comÂpany and startÂing up a busiÂness in BulÂgaria. For estabÂlishÂing a comÂpany could be used any legal form proÂvided in the BulÂgarÂian ComÂmerÂcial law includÂing setÂting up a corÂpoÂraÂtion, a branch of forÂeign comÂpany, charÂity forÂmaÂtion and shelf comÂpaÂnies in . We also offer comÂpany re-registration serÂvices with the BulÂgarÂian Trade RegÂisÂter for entiÂties which had been estabÂlished before 2007.
MoreÂover you need not to go through the process of proÂlonged comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with the local offiÂcers at the RegÂistry Agency of BulÂgaria, banks, lawyers or notaries as we also offer online busiÂness forÂmaÂtion. The whole proÂceÂdure of comÂpany set up could be done from a disÂtance and your presÂence in BulÂgaria is not a must.