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Sofia district
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AccountÂing & ConÂsultÂing offers a comÂplete conÂsulÂtaÂtion on busiÂness taxes, tax for non-residents, tax on self-employment and inherÂiÂtance tax advises. We are expeÂriÂenced in the BulÂgarÂian tax laws and would be able to proÂvide you with any tax inforÂmaÂtion related to tax rates in BulÂgaria, due dates for taxes, tax planÂning and comÂpliÂance tax serÂvices.
Our tax experÂtise includes serÂvices for resÂiÂdents and non-residents in:
tax planÂning and assessÂing of resÂiÂdents’ curÂrent corÂpoÂrate tax, income tax due date as well as annual tax assessÂment in conÂnecÂtion with the year-end cloÂsure of accounts and annual income tax return ;
assisÂtance to resÂiÂdents for tax on self employÂment, social secuÂrity tax brackÂets, due date for income tax and annual tax return for self employed indiÂvidÂuÂals;
conÂsulÂtaÂtions on BulÂgarÂian VAT tax Act, the applicÂaÂble VAT tax rates, VAT regÂisÂtraÂtion and prepaÂraÂtion of monthly VAT tax returns in BulÂgaria;
repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtion before the national instiÂtuÂtions for taxes of non-residents for withÂholdÂing taxes and taxes on divÂiÂdends, subÂmisÂsion of non-resident tax returns, income tax on forÂeign income, payÂment of tax on income from shares and income tax on divÂiÂdends;
estate planÂning, propÂerty tax serÂvices, inherÂiÂtance tax and inherÂiÂtance tax rates, advices about withÂholdÂing tax, taxes withÂheld from BulÂgaria, withÂholdÂing treaty and corÂpoÂraÂtions tax ;