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Pay­roll Admin­is­tra­tion Solu­tion in Bul­garia
Sb Account­ing & Con­sult­ing is a top outsourcing pay­roll com­pany in Bulgaria who pro­vides flex­i­ble corporate pay­roll pro­cess­ing and pay­roll admin­is­tra­tion ser­vices which improves the pay­roll management for employ­ers of every size. Our tar­get is to opti­mize your pay­roll processes, to min­i­mize the risk, to improve the pro­duc­tiv­ity and to sim­plify your pay­roll administration.

In our day-to-day busi­ness pay­roll services we man­age the time-consuming tasks of pay­roll pro­cess­ing, cal­cu­la­tion of social secu­rity and taxes for pay­roll, out­put prepa­ra­tion and employ­ees’ pay­roll tax fil­ing, by spe­cially devel­oped in-house Pay­roll Soft­ware, so that our clients from Bul­garia and all other coun­tries, can focus on more cus­tomers’ related tasks and con­cen­trate entirely on run­ning their busi­ness.

Our biggest Pay­roll provider in the world ADP and since 2007 Sb Account­ing & Con­sult­ing became a sub­con­trac­tor for ADP’s pro­gram for small busi­ness pay­roll ser­vices called ADP Stream­line.

Online Pay­roll Ser­vices
The Pay­roll Solu­tion of Sb Account­ing & Con­sult­ing called “Online Pay­roll” inse­cure that your Pay­roll pro­cess­ing, pay­roll admin­is­tra­tion and pay­roll man­age­ment needs are reg­u­larly met on time. “Online Pay­roll” is an out­sourc­ing pay­roll tool for small com­pa­nies and busi­nesses tar­get­ing to facil­i­tate the cal­cu­la­tion of salaries, social secu­rity and taxes for pay­roll.

Mul­ti­ple Pay­roll Input Options
As pro­fes­sional pay­roll provider, we know that no pay­roll solu­tion is good for every­one. That is why we pro­vide you with a wide range of Pay­roll Input Options. Whether you pre­fer to call to our Pay­roll bureau, enter the pay­roll data in our online Pay­roll cen­ter or use a stan­dard pay­roll form for pro­cess­ing your salaries and pay­roll taxes, you can be con­fi­dent that your pay­roll data is saved and secured.

Pay­roll Pro­cess­ing Choices to Fit on Your Unique Busi­ness
Sb Account­ing & Con­sult­ing offers a com­pre­hen­sive set of payroll-related ser­vices. These pay­roll ser­vices can be pur­chased a-la-carte accord­ing to your needs or you can take advan­tage of the syn­er­gies of work­ing with a single-source pay­roll provider in Bul­garia for all of your HR, Pay­roll and Salaries needs.

A Vari­ety of Pay­roll Out­put and Options for Pay­ment of Salaries, Social Secu­ri­ties and Taxes
We offer a vari­ety of pay­roll out­put options as well as salary and pay­roll taxes pay­ment solu­tions. When you use our pay­roll firm to out­source your Pay­roll ser­vices in Bul­garia, you can ben­e­fit from our Pay­roll Dis­burse­ment Ser­vices and pay­roll reports for account­ing pur­poses.

The dis­burse­ment solu­tions for employ­ees pro­vide cost-savings, secu­rity and com­fort of know­ing that your employ­ees have a pay­roll pay­ment choice that is best suited to their needs. With easy inte­gra­tion with our pro­fes­sional pay­roll ser­vices, you can max­i­mize your time for clients and cost sav­ing from out­sourc­ing your busi­ness payroll.

Payroll Services in Bulgaria -

Payroll Services in Bulgaria -  

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SB Accounting & Consulting

70 Tzaribrodska Str., office 3
1309 Sofia

Phone: +359 2 920 17 73, +359 888 886 550

Fax: +359 2 920 22 97

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