Online shopSuitable for medium and large enterprises / companies. Full performance, order processing, payment and delivery of products and services over the Internet, facilitate your customers and partners.
Unique design and concept
Content management system (CMS)
Administrator are awith personal access
Content with text and images
Ability to publish online promotions and offers, price lists, etc..
Catalogues with products / services
Order product / service on the Internet - Online store and shopping cart
Payment over the Internet through: Paypal, Skrill, Credit Cards, ePay, virtual POS terminal
Buying products and services online with cash on delivery or payment by bank transfer
Payment for services with SMS (announced one-off services, etc.)
Monitoring of payment documents (orders) and their processing
Private setting functional online store
One homepage and subpages
Menu with links to subpages
Contact form (Feedback email form)
Tehnologies HTML5, CSS3, PHP, jQuery and other if need
MySQL databases
Ability to add additional languages (appreciation of 25% for each additional language)
Visibility in Mobile (Responsive web design)
Support plan in full compliance with the customer demands