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Bulgaria Moves Up in Global IT Development Ranking
Date: 13/04/2011
Bulgaria Moves Up in Global IT Development Ranking

Bulgaria has moved three spots ahead in the global information technology report of the World Economic Forum, and is now ranked 68th out of 138 countries.

In last year's Networked Readiness Index of the IT report Bulgaria was 71st out of 133 states.

The Top 10 in the "Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011: Transformations 2.0" released Tuesday is made up of Sweden, Singapore, Finland, Switzerland, the USA, Taiwan, Denmark, Canada, Norway, and South Korea. Germany is 13th, the UK 15th, and France 20th.

Of the BRIC countries, China is 36th, followed by India, which is 48th, Brazil – 56th, and Russia – 77th.

According to the IT development report, Bulgaria is among the "Converging Adopters" as opposed to "First Adopters" and "Belated Adopters".

"Poland (62nd), Romania (65th), and Bulgaria (68th) close the rankings for the region [of Eastern Europe]. While Romania has lost six places since last year, Poland and Bulgaria each post a three-place improvement. This upward trend is particularly marked for Poland, since the country had already climbed four positions from 2008 to 2009. While the three countries display similar strengths in their individual usage (46th, 52nd, and 36th for Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria, respectively) and infrastructure quality (43rd, 45th, and 40th, respectively), their market and regulatory environments remain, to different extents, elements of weakness. So too is the lack of a coherent government vision on ICT development and diffusion (103rd, 119th, and 96th, respectively)," the report explains.

It also says that the deployment of high-speed broadband across EU countries is likely to follow completely different patterns. In Romania, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and, to a lesser extent, in Estonia, Latvia, the Slovak Republic, and the Czech Republic, the deployment of fixed broadband lines is very much based on fiber access and confirms the propensity of new Member States to leapfrog more mature markets in terms of technology.

The IT development index of the World Economic Forum is based on a combination of statistical data and surveys among business executives. The latest edition of the Global Information Technology Report series celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The series explores the evolution of information

and communication technologies (ICT) over the last decade, as well as raising awareness about the importance of ICT diffusion and leveraging for increased development, growth, and better living conditions.

Topic: Business

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