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Bulgarian Holding Chimimport Registers Highest Annual Profit Ever
Date: 03/04/2011
Bulgarian Holding Chimimport Registers Highest Annual Profit Ever

Chimimport AD, a Bulgarian holding with over 50 subsidiaries, has registered a record profit for entire history.

Chimimport's 2010 profit amounted to BGN 91.8 M, a 1.5% increase year-on-year, according to company data.

Chimimport, which manages numerous finance, manufacturing, and transport companies – including Bulgaria Air, Central Cooperative Bank, Armeetz insurance company, grain trader Zarneni Hrani – saw its total 2010 revenues at BGN 141.6 M, a 15.6% growth year-on-year.

The holding's activities include finance and insurance, production of oil and gas, production and trading with petrolium products, buying up, processing and trading with grain and oilseed oils, trading with chemicals and fertilizers, aviation transport and ground activities related to aircrafts maintenance and repairs, river transport, maritime transport.

The company's total expenditures grew by 69.6% compared with 2009 reaching BGN 46 M.

Chimimport's 2010 net sales income was BGN 9.3 M, or 6.6% of the total income, an year-on-year decrease of 19.65%.

The holding's capital grew by 11% reaching BGN 923 M.

Topic: Economy

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