Bulgaria has invested about EUR 3-4 per Internet user, the President of IAB Europe, Alain Heureux, said during his presentation at Webit Expo & Conference 2010.
The forum is the biggest event for digital business and marketing in Central-Eastern Europe and is taking place October 27-29 in the National Palace of Culture in Sofia.
Heureaux said that according to a survey by IAB Europe of 15 national markets, until January 2010, the number of Internet users from Central and Easter Europe was almost 117 million out of the total population of 300 million and most of the users were in Russia – about 40 million.
The survey, including Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Turkey, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, showed that the Internet users in these countries increased by 9 million since January 2009.
The biggest increase was registered in Ukraine – 15% for one year.
Heureaux pointed out that the biggest investment for advertising and marketing activities have been made in the Czech Republic – an average of EUR 50 per Internet user.
The IAB Europe data for 2009 showed that Europe invested the most money in online advertising – EUR 14,7 B, leaving behind the United States with their EUR 16,26 B.
According to Heureux, the fact that digital marketing is developing even in times of crisis is a positive tendency.
Webit is a forum, focused on marketing and advertising. In thee days, professionals will be able to discuss and listen to lectures on online advertising and marketing, reputation management, marketing in the social media, successful sales on the Internet, planning and accounting the effect of online advertising among others.