The Rose Festival in Bulgaria's Kazanlak had its peak point on Sunday. Again, it managed to attract tens of thousands of tourists from Bulgaria and all around the world. According to official information, the last official day the City of Roses and the Valley of the Thracian Kings has hosted 80 thousand visitors. The number for the last three days has reached more than 150 000.
Japanese Shinohara-san could barely hide her admiration. "We are 20 people from Tokyo, we came from Ruse, went through Shipka and are extremely impressed by your beautiful nature, the holiday is a real fairy".
However, this year there are also many tourist groups from China, according to some they even exceeded the Japanese.
The feast in Kazanlak this year was under the auspices of UNESCO Secretary-General Irina Bokova. As it is known, during the opening of the Bulgarian exhibition in the Louvre, the first lady of world cultural organization promoted the idea of the Rose Festival to be included in the list of the world's intangible cultural heritages. Kazanlak has already launched the application procedure.