The Member of the Parliament from Bulgaria's ruling Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party, GERB, Vyara Petrova, is facing a hearing before the Parliamentary Committee on Conflict of Interests.
The news was reported Sunday by the Bulgarian Pressa (Press) daily.
There are three tipoffs against her, combined in one – conflict of interests committed by her husband, by a company owned by her mother, and the last one is a request for a probe in her activities, submitted by Petrova herself.
The Committee Chairman, Filip Zlatanov, informs the hearing will take place in the next two weeks.
The MP, who is a member of the Parliamentary Social Committee, is accused of arranging EU financing for her husband in pressuring the Karnobat Labor Bureau to grant his private company free vouchers to be used for training of employees.
The second tipoff involves the Center for Professional Training at the Association for Encouragement of Employment in the Burgas Region, which is owned by Petrova's mother.
The tipoffs were submitted by the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party, BSP, in November 2012. Zlatanov explains the delay in the hearing with having to examine all three of them.
GERB MPs have said the party has lifted political trust from her and she would be resigning from the Parliament soon.