Sofia Airport will launch a new cargo service in May, operating the Sofia-Belgrade-Prague route.
Czech Airlines will run the cargo flights twice weekly, on Wednesday and Friday,
The cargo flights- will be executed twice weekly, on Wednesday and Friday, on an АTR72 freighter.
In May, Sofia Airport registered the highest amount of freight and postal shipments processed since the beginning of 2012, at 1441 tons, up by 6.2% from May 2011.
There was a significant 28% increase in air shipments carried on specialized cargo aircraft, the biggest contributor being DHL, which cemented its leading position with a market share of over 32% of the total cargo volume processed at Sofia Airport.
In May 2012, Sofia Airport serviced a total of 311 394 passengers, up by 0.2%.
The number of passengers who traveled on regular passenger flights to international destinations increased by almost 4200 on the year, while the number of organized tourists who took charter flights to and from Sofia Airport went up by 16%.
A total of 3934 airplanes departed and landed at Sofia Airport in May 2012, down by 172 from May 2011.
The slight decrease observed in the number of flights on regular international routes and domestic routes was compensated by the increase in seasonal tourism charter flights, up by 14%, and business aviation, up by 28%.