Troyan municipality is located in the major northern economic region of the Republic of Bulgaria. The town of Troyan is the center of the municipality. It is situated on the abundantly terraced banks of Beli Osam River, at the northern foot of Troyan-Kalofer part of Stara Planina Mountain, not far from Troyan pass, at an altitude of 400 meters. That geographical location provides conditions for good transport connections.
The town has a convenient road connection with Southern Bulgaria through Troyan pass. The distance to Sofia is 160 km and to Varna - 300 km. Troyan is final railway junction. The nearest civil airports are Gorna Oryahovitsa (105 km) and Sofia. The nearest river port is Svishtov (110 km) and the nearest sea port - Burgas (245 km). Neighbouring municipalities are: Lovech, Sevlievo, Apriltsi, Karlovo, Teteven and Ugarchin. The municipality consists of 38 residential places with a territory of 888 850 square meters. The climate of the region is transitional - from temperate-continental to mountain one - a combination of rainy spring, warm summer, sunny autumn and mild snowy winter. The terrain of Troyan region is a continuation of the mountain and undulating land formation to the West of the Teteven region and to the East of the Gabrovo region. Forest resources comprise 403 867 decares. The way of their utilization and management is to be finally determined after the completion of the forest restitution process. There are developed and already operating forest-planning projects for the whole territory, projects that regulate economic activities on that territory at the present moment.
Troyan is a 130 year old town but the traces of the settlement run far back in history. The most ancient people that inhabited the Northern flanks of the Central Balkan and the Fore-Balkan region lived in the caves of the Vasilyovska Mountain. Archaeological excavations prove that the region has already been populated at the end of late Paleolithic age (40 000 - 10 000 B.C.). In 15 B.C. the territory of present Northern Bulgaria enters the boundaries of the Roman province Miziya. From the name of the old Roman road Via Troyana that crosses the mountain, the name Troyan has come - the present TOWN OF MASTERS IN THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN. During the first half of XIX century crafts flourish - homespun tailoring, forge crafts, wood turnery, fur-dressing and jewelry crafts and most of all pottery-making which establishes itself as a leading, still vital pottery school. In 1911 the first electric light is switched on - Troyan is the third town in Bulgaria (after Sofia and Plovdiv) that is already electrified before the First world war. Due to its flourishing craftsmanship (pottery-making, cap-making, carpentry) and its developing industry Troyan, together with the villages in the district, establishes itself as a major supplier of these products for the markets all over the country. And its exemplary fruit-growing makes its name famous - it is called the town of the plums and the magic brandy. In the eighties the town of Troyan is already recognized as an industrial center of the country having won solid positions on the foreign markets in the sphere of the production of electric motors and electromotive devices, machine-tools, woolen textile, pharmaceuticals, waterproof plywood and furniture, table and souvenir pottery.
Troyan municipality disposes with splendid conditions for the development of tourism and its turning into a priority sector of our economics. Its natural gifts and people's adjustment to look for the region, although for a short time tourism are two fundaments, on which the sector has to develop.
The territory of the municipality is in a good ecological condition in its basic part and with variety of the landscape, the flora and the fauna it provokes the interest of the Bulgarian and the foreign tourists. The suitable climate makes our territory attractive during all seasons of the year. The problems with the conditions of the environment are connected with the purification of the refuse waters - in Troyan, Oreshak, Cherni Osam, Chiflik, Shipkovo, Beklemeto, Golyama Zhelyazna, and the pollution with domestic scraps in the region of the residential places. The level of the services provided to the tourists is one of the most important factors which influence the development of the tourism. Initial activities for education and higher qualification have been made with the establishment of a class for hotel-keeping in Secondary Comprehensive School "Vasil Levski"- Troyan, and the organized by the Tourist association forms of education. During this year a training for mountain guides in the school in Cherni Osam is planned. But the necessity shows that it is about time to establish in the municipality a complete system for education, higher qualification and pre-qualification of cadres for the sphere of services. Of no less importance is the establishment of a possibility for development of tourism, providing suitable conditions for: balneology (Shipkovo and Chiflik); ski-sports (Beklemeto), swimming sports and rowing (Shipkovo, Chiflik, Golyama Zhelyazna), tourist orientation, tourism on foot and on a bike (the high parts of the Balkan), entertainments, connected with artistic crafts and applied arts (Troyan, Oreshak - "National exhibition of artistic crafts and arts - Oreshak" SLTD).
Special Thanks to http://www.bulgaria.domino.bg/troyan/