Софтуер за нормиране, калкулиране, оценяване и контрол на труда в шивашки, обувен или друг производствен цех. Атрактивна цена. За повече информация, ... ...[ Full profile ]
COMELECT offers a complete product line to meet your embroidery needs.
We offer Embroidery Machines in a variety of sizes to meet your needs today - and in the future.
We also offer a comprehensive and easy-to-use Software that will give you complete control over ... ...[ Full profile ]
Apparel Pattern Design, Grading, Marker Making and Sample Sewing Services.
We offer you full CAD-Services with pattern making, grading marker making and plotting. Your photo samples and collections can also be made by our specialists. We have flexible working system and ... ...[ Full profile ]