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Public Limited Liability Company in Bulgaria - (AD)
Public Limited Liability Company in Bulgaria - (AD)

VAT in Bulgaria

PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY (a joint stock company) - "AD" - it is a commercial company with share capital owned by its members whose liability is limited to the amount of the capital they subscribe. Two or more persons, including foreign individuals or legal persons can found a joint stock company.

The minimum required capital of a joint stock company is BGN 50,000, increasing to BGN 100,000 if the capital is raised by a public offer. There are different requirements for establishment of banks, insurance companies and investment companies:

  • banks - the minimum capital required amounts to BGN 10,000,000,

  • insurance companies - the minimum capital required amounts to:
        - BGN 2,000,000 for life insurance and personal accident insurance;
        - BGN 3,000,000 for property insurance;
        - BGN 4,000,000 for reinsurance;

  • Investment companies - the minimum amount and the structure of the required capital as well as its relation to the assets and liabilities as per the balance sheet are determined by the Securities and Stock Exchange Commission according to the Securities, Stock Exchange and the Investment Companies Act.

In the general case of a registration of a public limited company, contributions to initial capital may be paid in cash or in kind, and at least 25% of the capital must be paid up on foundation. A joint stock company may issue either registered or bearer's shares. The general meeting of shareholders is the highest body of the company, and must be held at least once a year. The shareholder's meeting elects a board of directors (a one-tier management structure) or a board of directors and a supervisory board (a two - tier management structure).

A public limited company is required to prepare a balance sheet and financial statements each year. Special statutory instruments provide additional requirements to the foundation of banks, insurance companies and investment funds in the form of joint stock companies.

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