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Kyustendil - City and District Information - Invest Bulgaria
Kyustendil - City and District Information
Kyustendil - City and District Information - Invest Bulgaria

Kyustendil Basic Data

City Population: 51,754
District Population: 162,644
Area size: 3,052 square km.
Places of interest: Kyustendil, Bobov Dol, Dupnitsa, Rila, Kocherinovo

Kyustendil General Information
Kyustendil district is located in south-west Bulgaria. It is bordered by Sofia, Pernik and Blagoevgrad districts. To the west, it is a national border with Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. Kyustendil is situated in the southern part of the Kyustendil Valley, 90 km south-west of Sofia. European transport corridors number 4 (Vidin – Sofia – Kulata) and number 8 (Gueshevo – Sofia – Bourgas) are passing through the district.

The relief is a mix of mountains and hollows. This geographic structure has started developing during the paleogene. The varied relief creates varied climate. There are 3 different climate types in Kyustendil: temperate-continental, transitional-continental and mountain climate; they are averaging respectively in 10 C, 11.5 C and the mountain type of climate – between 5 C (Osogovo) and -3 C (Musala).

Kyustendil registers a decrease in the population over the last years. One of the reasons for this fact is the deteriorated age structure. The common tendency for the country is that the portion of people 65 years old or more is growing up, while the portion of children 15 years old or less is going down – a proof of the fact that the nation is getting old. Bulgarians account for 94% of the population of the district, 5% Roma population, and the rest are Turks and others. 14 % of the population is 15 years old or younger, 58 % is between 15 and 65 years old, and 28% is 65 years old or more.

Kyustendil is a national balneological resort at an altitude of 500 m. The ancient name of the town Pautalia (a town of springs) is Thracian. The fortress was built by the Romans. Therms, basilicas, floor mosaics have been uncovered. In the 11th C. the town, known as Velbuzhd, after the name of its heir, Konstantin Velbuzhd, became a major religious and administrative centre. About 1355 Velbuzhd and its region were included in the semi-independent feudal Velbuzhd principality of Despot Deyan. In the 15th C. the town was called Kyustendil, which means a land of Konstantin. In 1372 the Turks conquered the town. During the Bulgarian National Revival crafts and trade flourished.

There are more than 40 mineral springs in the town. The waters are of considerable content of sulphite compounds. These are used for treatment of the locomotory system, gynaecological and other kinds of diseases. The resort region includes several baths, balneological complexes and others. In the Rila Mountain there are 130 lakes and 30 temporary ones that occur usually for the spring. In Separeva Banya is situated the only geyser on the Balkan Peninsula with temperature of 103.5 C.

One of the biggest national tourist destinations situated in the region is Rila Monstery. Rila Monastery was founded in 10 century by St. Ivan of Rila. It is the greatest Bulgarian monastery - unique architecture, exquisite wall paintings, brilliant iconostasis, a rich collection of icons and old manuscripts - a true masterpiece of the National Revival Period. Under UNESCO's protection, Rila Monastery is one of Bulgaria's biggest sanctuaries.

Kyustendil Economy
The GDP per person for Kyustendil district is below the country average. There are three economically developed municipalities – Kyustendil, Dupnitsa and Bobov Dol, the rest of the district is rural areas that are falling behind. One of the most important things is that the technological equipment needs to be renewed. The private sector is growing at the expense of the state sector. The following sectors have the biggest contribution to the Gross Value Added of the district: business services, transport and communication, light industry (food and beverage, textile), trade and power engineering. The least contribution to the GVA have the construction and the financial sector.

Industries of interest:
1. Power Engineering: Thermo electric power plant Bobov Dol and other plants
2. Chemical industry: specialized in drug manufacturing
3. Textile industry: ready to wear clothes
4. Mining industry: mines in Bobov Dol, bricks, ceramic wares
5. Food and beverage industry: dairy products, flour products, soft drinks

The registered unemployment is 12 %, exactly like the country average.

Arable lands account for 1180 thousand decares, 357,000 of which are deserted. Fruit growing is best developed in the region, a result of the climate conditions. Stock-breeding needs to be developed, especially in the mountains. Forest lands are a little over 129,000 ha, 90% of it is cultivated.

Only innovation and modernization will help for the development of the district.

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