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Kiten - Bulgarian Black Sea Summer Resort Information - Invest Bulgaria
Kiten - Bulgarian Black Sea Resort Information
Kiten - Bulgarian Black Sea Summer Resort Information - Invest Bulgaria

Kiten is a Bulgarian resort situated in the southern part of the Black Sea coast, 55 km south from Bourgas, 5 km from Primorsko and 12 km from Tsarevo. The town is famous for its white sands and has two beaches: Atliman and Urdoviza. . Having only 1200 residents, Kiten is the third samallest town in Bulgaria after Melnik and Kajarovo. Due to its increasing popularity as a preferred tourist summer destination, Kiten was announced for a town in 2005. The resort is one of the most beautiful places on the Black Sea coast – there are two big picturesque bays in Kiten – Karaagach and Atliman, and many small specifically charming small bays visited only by the people who know about them. The climate conditions are extremely favorable. The temperatures average 2 C during the winter, while the average annual temperature is 12 C. The summer is hot but with with constant breezes from the sea that freshen the air. There are two small rivers, Karaagach and Devil’s River which empty into the sea near Kiten. Another earthly treasure in the region is the mineral water spring. Its water spring from 700 m under the surface and is used primarily for drinking purposes. The presence of many bays combined with the warm weather, the rivers and Stranja Mountain turn the resort into one of the most pleasant places in Bulgaria. In the vicinity of Kiten are situated the national park “Ropotamo” which includes the “Snake Island”, “Water Lilies”, “Arkutino” and “Sea Wormwood” reserves. There are many wonderful rocky formations, white sand dunes and a lot of other picturesque landscapes. Kiten is ecologically clean because almost all of its surroundings are announced for protected areas. Kiten offers many different types of accommodation: smaller family and bigger hotels, campsites, etc. There are conditions for different activities in the resort: tennis courts, soccer field, volleyball and basketball playgrounds; the whole range of water sports: jet skiing, surfing, scuba diving, etc.

The Romans called the settlement Oroudiza. The town existed till the fall under Turkish domination and after that it was abandoned. One can still see ruins of the settlement lying on the cape. The river of Karaagach is very beautiful; it flows into the sea at the southern part of the Urdoviza Bay. The marsh mouth is full of fish. There are five camping sites in the vicinity: Atliman, Les, Koral, Koop and Yug. There is a legend telling about a young woman called Stana who escaped from the harem of the Sultan. Amazed by her courage the Sultan promised to free the land she could reach on horseback. After a day’s long ride the horse died on one of the beaches that up to this day bears the name of Atliman - the bay of the horse.

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