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Haskovo - City and District Information - Invest Bulgaria
Haskovo - City and District Information
Haskovo - City and District Information - Invest Bulgaria

Haskovo Basic Data

City Population: 81,611
District Population: 277,441
Area size: 5,470 square km.
Places of interest: Haskovo, Dimitrovgrad, Ivailovgrad, Svilengrad, Harmanli

Haskovo General Information
Haskovo municipality is located in the central part of Southern Bulgaria and occupies the most western part of Haskovo county. It is located on a territory of 737 square meters, which is 13% of the territory of Haskovo county. The municipality includes the town of Haskovo and 35 villages. Its geographic location is extremely favorable and important. Three European transport corridors are passing through it: No 4 (Central Europe - Romania - Sofia - Pazardjik - Haskovo - Turkey - Asia); No 8 (Albania - Macedonia - Sofia - Pazardjik - Plovdiv - Stara Zagora - Sliven - Burgas - Varna); No 9 (Russia - Moldova - Romania - Rousse - Veliko Turnovo - Stara Zagora - Haskovo - Greece/Turkey. It is a transport cross road between Europe, the Near East and the Middle East, which is a good prerequisite for an international commercial and cultural exchange. The basic bus and railway connections between the entrance and the exit boundary points in Bulgaria, which determine to a great extent the successful trade with Republic of Greece and Republic of Turkey, are located in it.

Haskovo registers a decrease of - 6.6% of its population, which is disturbing; its far below the country average. In terms of the age of the population, the common tendency for the country is that the portion of people 65 years old or more is growing up, while the portion of children 15 years old or less is going down - a proof of the fact that the nation is getting old. The deteriorated age structure is one of the main reasons for the decrease of the population. Haskovo also has very low density of its population пїЅ 47 people per square km.

Places of interest:
- The Middle Ages fortress Hisaria - Haskovo
- Asenova krepost /fortress/ - the village of Klokotnitza
- The Paskalevs' house, turned into an ethnographic museum
- The Shishmans' house, in which there is an exposition of the local crafts

The visitors of Haskovo, who come here on a business trip or attracted by the pleasant atmosphere of the region and by the healing Haskovo mineral springs, seldom miss to visit the picturesque place Kenane - a splendid oak forest with a spacious park, restaurants, tennis grounds, houses for recreation.

Here are the complexes "Romantika" and "Klokotnitza", located in "Kenana" park. Hotel "Oazis" and complex "Haskovo" function in the town. They offer good services in the hotel part, the restaurant, the night bar and Vienna pastry shop.

Haskovo Economy
In Haskovo municipality there are extremely favorable soil-climatic and orographic conditions for development of the agriculture. The area under cultivation in the municipality is 357849 decares (47.77% of the municipal territory). 25% of the arable are is under irrigation which is an evidence of the high level of agricultural development of the region. The fields are with total area of 342049 decares, the plantations of perennial crops - 10502 decares (9234 decares of them vineyards), the meadows - 5299 decares. The planted areas in the municipality according to cultures towards 25.05.2000 are as follows:
- Wheat - 101520 decares, fed with nitric fertilizers - 62750 decares, treated with herbicides - 44820 decares.
- Barley - 13600 decares, fed with nitric fertilizers - 9520 decares, treated with herbicides - 6800 decares.
- Maize - 300 decares.
- Spring barley - 320 decares.
- Oats - 600 decares.
- Sunflower - 9500 decares.
- Potatoes - 300 decares.
- Apples - 300 decares.
- Pears - 80 decares.
- Vineyards (wine) - 6000 decares, plant protective sprayings are carried out on 6000 decares.
- Vineyards (sweet) - 3000 decares, plant protective sprayings are carried out on 3000 decares.
In the municipality there are good conditions for cultivation of corn and corn fodder cultures (wheat, barley, maize). The Mediterranean climate and the presence of water resources are natural prerequisites for the development of the vegetable production. Main cultivated vegetable crops are cucumber, tomatoes and pepper. The vegetables are cultivated in the open, as well as in greenhouses. The municipality is a traditional producer of water melons and melons. Main cultivated sorts are: "Shugar baby", "Krimson" and "Boryana".

The fruit-growing in the municipality is very well developed as well. The main cultivated crops are apples and pears. The apple yields are averagely 350 kg/decare.

The biggest vineyards plantations in the municipality are on the land of the villages Dolno Voyvodino - 1116 decares, Elena - 1450 decares, and Mandra - 1906 decares.

In Haskovo municipality there are extremely good conditions for cultivation of plantations of perennial plants - strawberries, raspberries, morello cherries, apricots, peaches and others.

The traditionally cultivated technical culture in the municipality is tobacco. The main cultivated tobacco sorts are "Virdzhiniya", "Krumovgrad" "Harmanli", "Barlay". During the last years there is a certain diversion in the areas, planted with tobacco, which is due to the changes in the structure of the markets for tobacco, tobacco articles and cigarettes.

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