Invest in Bulgaria - The Preferred Partner of Investors Seeking Opportunities in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Investment Legislation
Bulgarian Investment Legislation
Bulgarian Accountancy Act - Invest Bulgarian Accountancy Act

Bulgarian Accountancy Act [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Border Measures for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights - Invest Bulgarian Border Measures for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

This Regulation stipulates the rules and the procedure for application of border measures as set out in the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act (CNRA), the Law on Marks and Geographical Indications (LMGI) and the Law on Industrial Designs (LID).

Bulgarian Commercial Law Bulgarian Commercial Law

This is the fundamental law regulating the day to day business activities in Bulgaria [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Constitution - Invest Bulgarian Constitution

The Constitution of Bulgaria is the supreme and basic law of the Republic of Bulgaria. The current constitution was adopted on 12 July 1991 by the 7th Grand National Assembly of Bulgaria, and defines the country as a unitary parliamentary republic. It has been amended three times (in 2003, 2005 and 2006) and is chronologically the fourth constitution of Bulgaria, the first being the Tarnovo Constitution of 1879. [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Corporate Income Tax Act Bulgarian Corporate Income Tax Act

This Act regulates taxation of companies in the Republic of Bulgaria [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Employment Promotion Act - Invest Bulgarian Employment Promotion Act

This Act regulates social relations upon:
1. promotion and support of employment;
2. vocational information and consultation and the vocational training of unemployed and employed persons;
3. intermediation for furnishing information and placement of Bulgarian citizens abroad and of Bulgarian and foreign citizens in the Republic of Bulgaria. [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Employment Strategy 2004 - 2010 Bulgarian Employment Strategy 2004 - 2010

The employment strategy is an essential document setting the tasks and channeling the efforts of the government institutions, employer organizations, trade unions, non-government organizations, etc. towards enhancing the labor force participation and labor potential of the population. The implementation of this goal is a milestone on the road to achieving the major objective in the economic development of the country, namely – improving the welfare of all social groups.

Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Act - Invest Bulgarian Energy Efficiency Act

This law regulates the public relations with regard to the implementation of the government policy for energy efficiency raising and providing energy efficient services.

Bulgarian Investment Encouragement Act (June 2007) - Invest Bulgarian Investment Encouragement Act (June 2007)

This Act regulates the terms and procedures for encouraging investment in the country, the activities of the state authorities in the field of investment encouragement, as well as the protection of investments. [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Labor Code - Invest Bulgarian Labor Code

This Code regulates the labour relationships between the employee and the employer, as well as other relationships immediately related to them.

Bulgarian Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources and Biofuels Act - Invest Bulgarian Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources and Biofuels Act

This Act regulates the public relations aiming to promote the production and use of electrical, heating and/or cooling power generated from renewable and alternative energy sources, as well as the production and use of biofuels and other renewable fuels in the transport sector.

Vocational Education and Training Act - Invest Bulgarian Vocational Education and Training Act

This Act shall regulate the social relations in connection with: 1. ensuring the right to vocational education and training of the citizens according to their personal interests and possibilities; 2. meeting the needs for qualified manpower which is competitive on the labour market; 3. providing conditions for functioning and development of the system of vocational education and training based on cooperation between its institutions and the bodies of the executive power and the local [FULL TEXT]

Bulgarian Income Taxes on Natural Persons Act Income Taxes on Natural Persons Act

This Act regulates taxation of income accruing to natural persons, including income from activity in a
sole-trader capacity. [FULL TEXT]

Measures Against Money Laundering Act - Invest Measures Against Money Laundering Act

This Act regulates preventive measures against using the financial system for money laundering purposes, as well as organisation and control over such measures. [FULL TEXT]

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Exports of Goods and Services of Bulgaria
Exports of Goods and Services of Bulgaria

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Did You Know?
Cost of transportation in Bulgaria
Cost of transportation in Bulgaria
A ticket for the city bus and for the subway in Sofia costs about 30 Euro cents. ... More

Silistra is a lovely, tranquil and picturesque city on the bank terraces where the river leaves Bulgarian territory.The hills afford a lovely view of the city, the river with the islands, the Romanian bank across and the vast Wallachian plain beyond. This small area is a horn of plenty. It is Bulgaria's biggest apricot orchard.

Intelligence Pathways - Outsource your Business, Competitive Intelligence or Back Office to Bulgaria

Bulgaria Translation - Full service Bulgarian Translation company

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